Motivational Writings & Assessments
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You CAN live the life you’ve dreamed of living !
Welcome to Amazing Journey Life Coaching Services. I’m Deb Betterly, M.S., C.L.C., Personal Development and Transformational Coach. I am passionate about helping others realize their full potential and worth as “spiritual beings having a human experience.” I believe living an authentic, full and enjoyable life is everyone’s inherent right. My greatest joy is helping others face those challenges and obstacles and turn their goals and dreams into reality.
The Gift of the Journey
I guide those who want more out of life in navigating from within and charting a course that will get them to their destination with greater ease and enjoyment. The journey itself is a gift as the client develops valuable insight, creates endless possibilities for positive change, and begins to positively influence others because of their increased joy of life.
I coach clients who are ready to take the helm and sail into a life of purpose, passion, fulfillment, balance, clarity and joy.
Who My Clients Are
I coach people from a variety of professions and backgrounds. Since I’ve started I’ve worked with entrepreneurs, professionals, small business owners, creative types, college students, athletes, and the semi and fully retired.
Although very different in what they do, I’ve found that there is a common theme that connects them all. They all basically want the same things:
1) Prosperity
2) Freedom
3) Joy
Can you relate to any of these? Let’s take a closer look…
- You want to attract prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life.
- You want to live authentically and do what you love to do.
- You want to be more successful in your chosen career.
- You are ready to start that new business you’ve been dreaming about.
- You want to stop living from paycheck to paycheck.
- You want to have more time and energy to do what really
- matters.
- You want to get organized and lose the chaos and clutter in your life.
- You want to stop reacting to life and live a life full of choices.
- You are ready to live your own life and stop living your life to
- please others.
- You want to be able to communicate your needs and wants more effectively.
- You want to find the right balance and equilibrium for your life.
- You are realizing you have wasted precious time on guilt and
- stress and want to re-invent yourself to live more joyfully.
- You want better, more connected relationships with family,
- friends, partners, co-workers.
- You are ready to discover who you really are!
- You want to stop taking life so seriously and have more fun!
These are my specialties –
increased prosperity, more freedom and more joy.
Did you see something you want more of? If so, then there is a good chance I can help you get it. Now’s the time to schedule a complimentary coaching session! We will spend 45 minutes or so to assure that I can meet your needs. I promise it will be valuable for both of us, whether you decide to continue or not.
For information on program options and prices, visit my information page by clicking here.
Coaching brings your vision for a better future to life. Coaching provides the clarity, direction, tools, encouragement, and structure you need to stay on course and reach your destination. People everywhere are finding out there is a smarter way than going it alone. Together we’ll take an amazing journey toward meeting your biggest life challenges brilliantly, with purpose and direction.
I invite you to browse my site further or contact me. My initial session is free….no charge, no obligation.
To sign up, send me an e-mail at:
[email protected] and indicate your interest by writing a quick note.
Thanks so much!
Deb A. Betterly

. . . . life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
~Helen Keller
Deb Betterly, MS, CLC
2261 Bevans Circle
Red Wing, Minnesota 55066
Phone: (651) 388-0994
Email: [email protected]
Spirit-Mind-Body Newsletter!
Free for
individuals who want to
clear a path to their
dreams through a well
body, strong mind and a
revived spirit!

I highly recommend Deb if you are considering this type of service. She is a per-son of integrity that lives the life she ad-vocates in much of her coaching.

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. . . . . . more coming soon